
A press conference before Tet Rally Latvia held at the Riga Motor museum

On Monday, July 15, a press conference was held in a festive atmosphere at the Rīga Motor Museum to celebrate the upcoming FIA World Rally Championship (WRC) event, Tet Rally Latvia. Speakers at the press conference included the chairman of the Saeima (parliament of the Republic of Latvia) Sports Subcommittee Dāvis Mārtiņš Daugavietis, chairman of the CSDD board Aivars Aksenoks, Tet Rally Latvia director Raimonds Strokšs, chairman of the board of the technology company Tet Uldis Tatarčuks, as well as Latvian WRC pilots. Also speaking were Ansis Pumpurs, deputy chief of the Public Order Police Department of the State Police, Jānis Grīnbergs, deputy chief of the State Fire and Rescue Service, and Jānis Aizbalts, chairman of the board of the waste management company Eco Baltia vide, all emphasizing the event's extensive scope and the absolute necessity to follow all safety regulations.

In the first part of the press conference, speeches were given, after which all three Latvian drivers who will participate in the historic first FIA World Rally Championship round in Latvia took their seats at the conference table. The Latvian athletes were then invited to sign a symbolic map of Latvia, marking all the rally cities and regions. In the final part of the press conference, representatives from state services delivered speeches, emphasizing the importance of safety issues.

“It is a pleasure to be the first to address the gathered guests here. I want to say three things. First, a big thank you to Raimonds. I believe that after this event, Raimonds can certainly teach other sports event organizers how to work with the state in a structured way, viewing it as a collaborative partner. Second, thank you again to everyone who has brought this event to Latvia. It gives us a push to look at major sports events not just as sports but as something that can contribute back to our economy. Rally was the first event where we started carefully evaluating what each invested euro gives us. We have now reached the point of the Ministry of Economics newly established program for significant events, which has already attracted many other major sports events. This was a very good start. And the most important thing – I want to wish the athletes success and for the spectators to enjoy this event. We will probably only realize at the beginning of next week what has happened in Latvia, on our roads, in our cities. Let's make it a success together!” said Dāvis Mārtiņš Daugavietis, chairman of the Saeima Sports Subcommittee.
Dāvis Mārtiņš Daugavietis ©TetRallyLatvia
“Today, approaching the Biķernieki track and the Rīga Motor Museum, there was a wonderful festive feeling that the RA Events team can create. The big week has begun, and I am very pleased that the World Rally Championship has come not only to Latvia, but that it will start right here at the Biķernieki track. I often hear about these 15 years since work started, and indeed, it's been about 15 years for the Biķernieki track as well since we began to maintain, restore, and rebuild it for new sports competitions like rallycross and speedway. This wouldn't be possible without good cooperation with athletes and competition organizers because we want to do exactly what they need and what is necessary for the development of sports. We have prepared everything for the competitions to run smoothly, for the athletes to perform excellently, and for the spectators to have wonderful emotions. We are eagerly awaiting everyone at Biķernieki, and I wish our athletes successful starts, may the forest spirits of Biķernieki be with them, and I also want to wish endurance to the competition organizers,” said Aivars Aksenoks, chairman of the board of the Road Traffic Safety Directorate (CSDD).
Aivars Aksenoks ©TetRallyLatvia
“Only 15 years have been dedicated to this week, which we are starting today. An extraordinary number of people have invested a tremendous amount of energy to make all this happen. Right now, there is a swarm of people outside building all the facilities and event venues. We have a week full of challenges ahead of us, and I truly urge you all to enjoy it. A big thank you to everyone present for the opportunity to do our work, thank you to the Latvian government, our general sponsor, and all our other partners. Our people are very motivated right now, they work like machines. If necessary, they work at night too, and for me personally, one of the greatest rewards is seeing how important this is to so many people and what they are willing to do for the event. The stages are phenomenal, we have made all the necessary preparations to ensure this will be a great week for all the athletes,” began Tet Rally Latvia director Raimonds Strokšs.
“Spectators need to understand that we have analysed and planned every meter of the rally down to the smallest detail, indicating where spectators are allowed to stand and where they are not. Keep in mind that there will be many people, and you will likely have to stand in traffic jams or walk a longer distance from the parking lot to the spectator zone. Our main request to our spectators is to remember that safety comes first. Please follow our prepared plan, and remember these three main points – 30 minutes before the start of the stages, it is prohibited to move along the rally route; a green tape means you can stand there. If you do not see a green tape, then you cannot stand there. And the third thing, follow our marshals’ instructions and be patient. To ensure everyone can enjoy this event, I urge you to follow these main rules,” said Raimonds Strokšs.
Raimonds Strokšs ©TetRallyLatvia
“I think this event in Latvia will be different from other World Rally Championship stages. It will be like the Song Festival, where not everyone sings, but everyone participates. For those who are still unsure if it's worth going, I would say it definitely is. We should take advantage of the opportunities that many people have carefully prepared over many years. Come and participate; this will be a festival of motors, and certainly completely different from other rallies. At the same time, we need to be very careful, as all spectators are part of Tet Rally Latvia. Drive cautiously on the roads, be understanding, and help each other. Together we can make it happen, and the spectators are part of the success story, so let's build the best event ever. We need to learn to be proud of what we can do, because everything is happening here, and we succeed together!” said Uldis Tatarčuks, chairman of the board of the technology company Tet.
Uldis Tatarčuks ©TetRallyLatvia
“This morning we already had a chance to do recce in the Biķernieki stage, and after the press conference, we'll head straight to Tukums region to continue recce. Even though this is a home rally, we're almost staying somewhere else every night – in Rīga, Skrunda, Liepāja, back to Rīga and Liepāja again, so it's been quite a journey for us as well. Of course, being at home helps us, but at times it also adds extra responsibilities. Nonetheless, we must enjoy this moment when the World Rally Championship has come to our home. Although yesterday was a day of training, we still need to figure out how to best utilize this hybrid power, not spending too much at times but also not saving it up too much. This is something we will continue to learn throughout the rally. In the last six weeks, our focus between the European Championship and the World Championship has changed every week. Our main goal is to stay calm, drive safely, and demonstrate our consistency,” said M-Sport Ford World Rally Team driver Mārtiņš Sesks.
“When Raimonds announced that such an event could take place, it was immediately clear that we had to try to participate. This rally is more than just a sports event, it's a celebration. We prepared for this event for a long time, tried to gather the budget, so a big thank you to all the supporters who came together and helped fulfil this dream. We once dreamed of competing in the World Rally Championship, but certainly never imagined that such an event could happen right here in Latvia,” said Latvian driver Matīss Mežaks in the WRC2 category.
“Last time I competed in serious races was more than a decade ago. Due to this rally, I had to take vacation at work. Usually, I manage the team and ensure everything is going well for the drivers, but this time I'm on the other side, enjoying it from the driver’s perspective. In my youthful enthusiasm, I certainly had thoughts about competing in the WRC, but as time goes by, you realize it's quite financially challenging. But when Raimonds brought this event here, I thought, how would I feel if I didn't try to participate. Thanks to my supporters who gave me that extra boost to achieve this goal,” said another Latvian WRC2 driver, Arturs Priednieks.
Arturs Priednieks, Mārtiņš Sesks, Matīss Mežaks ©TetRallyLatvia
“State Police will be involved in three main areas: ensuring public order, monitoring road traffic, and enforcing the ban on unmanned aerial vehicles. These three areas have been identified as having potential risks, and we are preparing to monitor and, if necessary, intervene to prevent violations. Depending on the specific day, extensive resources from the State Police will be deployed, and colleagues from Estonia, Lithuania, and Poland will also be involved to assist with any issues involving their respective nationals. The State Police reminds that motorsports can be dangerous, so I urge everyone to adhere to all restrictions set by the organizers. By following all rules, let's allow everyone to enjoy these celebrations. And I urge not to attempt to replicate what you see on the rally stages in regular traffic!” said Ansis Pumpurs, deputy chief of the Public Order Police Department of the State Police.
 “Careful planning has been invested, with rescue teams stationed at each of the special stages. I also want to encourage people – our daily work will not be disrupted, as all resources that respond to emergencies daily will be available, and additional resources are allocated for the safe conduct of the rally. I urge everyone to consider where vehicles are parked, thinking not only of themselves but also of emergency services that may need to pass through. Try to remember your location, think about fire safety, and your safety if you decide to cool off in a water. I wish everyone a pleasant week, and may the festivities truly be celebrations for everyone. Please observe safety rules and follow the organizers' instructions to avoid potential accidents,” said Jānis Grīnbergs, deputy chief of the State Fire and Rescue Service.
“We, as the environmental partner of the rally, want to say that we have provided sufficient infrastructure so that it is possible to sort waste at each rally venue and not leave anything in the viewing areas, considering that these are someone's property. Sorting infrastructure will be available to both rally spectators and participants themselves. We are responsible for what we bring and take back. All prerequisites have been provided for this to be a sustainable event for both spectators and all athletes. To allow spectators to prepare for waste sorting, a video clip has also been produced right here at the Biķernieki track, explaining how we can be responsible not only on the track but also in our daily lives,” said Jānis Aizbalts, chairman of the board of Eco Baltia vide.


News and other information about the Tet Rally Latvia, round of the 2024 FIA World Rally Championship (WRC), available at www.lvrally.com, as well as on social media X @LVRally, Facebook @LVRally, Instagram @lvrally, and TikTok @tetrallylatvia. While, news about the FIA World Rally Championship available at www.wrc.com.


Tet Rally Latvia, round of the FIA World Rally Championship, is set to take place on July 18-21, 2024. The event is possible thanks to the support provided by Ministry of Education and Science, rally city Liepāja and capital city Rīga, as well as municipalities of Tukums, Talsi, and Kuldīga. Special thanks to general sponsor Tet, many thanks to our main sponsors Ramirent, Sportland, and X3000, official car partner Toyota, as well as sponsors BTA, Fristads, and SIXT. Thanks to our partners Canon Biznesa Centrs Liepāja, Latvijas Valsts meži and municipality of Dienvidkurzeme. Informative support provided by news portal DELFI, Sporta Avīze un Talsu Vēstis. Thanks to Tet Rally Latvia supporters shopping malls AKROPOLE, AOK, Ballīte Ballītē, Biķernieku trase, Conti STL, Conway, CSDD, DHL, Eco Baltia vide, Elnetworks, Flora, FN Serviss, Getic, Jānis Pūce, Löfbergs, Liepāja Special Economic Zone, MB Grupa, Mission Latvia, OCT Composites, Peltors, Rentadisplay, Rīgas Brīvostas pārvalde, Riga Motormusem, SignTech, Swecon, Swan, Törley, Travel Latvia, as well as technical partner Sports Racing Technologies. Tet Rally Latvia is organised by RA Events in cooperation with Speed Festival Kurzeme and Latvian Automobile Federation.


Tet Rally Latvia supports initiatives carried out by Latvian Children's Support Centre,
who has created and are developing social rehabilitation facility for children with special needs.
We invite you to support this initiative, by making a donation here: http://www.lbaf.lv/lv/ka-ziedot.

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